On 11 March, Tuesday, iconic Italian football teams FC Inter (a portfolio company of Oaktree) and AC Milan (RedBird Capital Partners), submitted an offer to the City of Milan for purchasing the San Siro stadium and the surrounding area (see here a previous post by BeBeez). The bidders aim to complete the acquisition by July. The development should start after 2026 Winter Olympics and complete in 2030. Agenzia delle Entrate (the Italian Inland Revenue) said that the area is worth 197.1 million euros.
Sina Hotels, an Italian leisure company that belongs to its chairman Bernabò Bocca, outbeaten Aries Group and gained the 43 years Concession for the use of the Via Ciro Fontana 3 monumental complex of 2087 sqms of Milan Municipality (see here a previous post by BeBeez). Sina will pay the Municipality a total of 43.2 million euros (1.2 million per year) and will carry out the extension of the adjoining 21-room design hotel, creating 31 new accommodations.
The Italian subsidiary of German Garbe Industrial Real Estate, London real estate investor SFO Capital Partners and Edmond de Rothschild REIM started a logistic development in Torrevecchia Pia (Pavia area, South from Milan) without disclosing further details (see here a previous post by BeBeez). The investors will develop two A class buildings with a total surface of 53000 sqms on an area of 124000 sqms. The firms aim to get a Leed Platinum certificate for the project. Marco Grassidonio is the Country head of Garbe Industrial Real Estate Italy. Mohamad Abouchalbak is the ceo of SFO Capital Partners. Pierre Jacquot is the ceo of Edmond de Rothschild REIM. Garbe’s aum are worth in the region of 10.6 billion euros.