Vertis launched Vertis Venture V Scaleup and set a fundraising target of 100 million euros (see here a previous post by BeBeez). Amedeo Giurazza is the ceo and cofounder of Vertis and owns 54% of the business and aims to launch a capital increase for selling a 9%-10% of the firm. Further shareholders of Vertis are Renato Vannucci (cofounder – 9%), Maria Elena Giurazza (4.2%), Giancarlo Di Luggo (14%); Fondazione di Sardegna (10%), and Futura Invest-Fondazione Cariplo (9%). Vertis Venture Scaleup set a first closing at 40-50 million by early June and a second for late 2022. Cdp Venture Capital could sign committments for 20-25 million. The fund aims to invest 3-7 million in minorities (20%-25%) of 14-15 companies and holding the stakes for 4-5 years.
Biovalley Investments Partner (BIP), a holding that invests in orphan drugs, medtechs and life science projects, launched a capital increase of 5.1 million euros (see here a previous post by BeBeez). BIP’s current shareholders and new investors will pour 2 million in cash while Friulia (14.3% owner) will provide 3.1 million in services through the support of BIC (Business Innovation Center) Incubatori FVG. BIP’s chairman and founder Diego Bravar owns 52.7% of the company, Venetwork has 15.6%, while the remaining stakes belongs to the crowd that joined the campaign launched on CrowdFundMe in November 2019 (1.655 million raised from Bio4Dreams and other investors).
London’s cybersecurity company Keyless, a biometric company that Andrea Carmignani, Fabian Eberle, Giuseppe Ateniese, and Paolo Gasti founded in January 2019, raised 3 million US Dollars from P101, Italia 500, Primomiglio, Inventures Investment Partners, and Gumi Cryptos Capital (See here a previous post by BeBeez). Keyless raiased a total of 9.2 million since its birth.
INTA Systems, a spin-off of Laboratorio NEST of Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa and of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-NANO), attracted a seed investment of 350k euros from Eureka! Venture and A11 Venture (see here a previous post by BeBeez). Matteo Agostini is the ceo and co-founder of INTA.
Italian insurtech RGI, a portfolio company of Corsair Capital, acquired German software provider Flexperto (see here a previous post by BeBeez). Corsair Capital acquired RGI in 2018 from Paolo Benini, the management and Ardian, which purchased 72% of the asset in 2014. In 2009, 21 Investimenti and Quadrivio delisted RGI from Milan market.
Italy’s proptech Smartpricing raised one million euros in equity debt from Trentino Sviluppo, Cassa Rurale di Ledro and other investors (see here a previous post by BeBeez). Tommaso Centonze, Luca Rodella (ceo) and Eugenio Bancaro founded Smartpricing in January 2020. The company will invest the proceeds of this round in its organic development and hiring further professionals.
Italian IT for B2B Zucchetti acquired a controlling stake in M.H. Crassus, the US-based developer of Beaconforce that Luca Rosetti (ceo) founded in 2016 together with Christian Zoli, Christie Reji, Massimo Cioffi, and William Storage (see here a previous post by BeBeez). Crassus previously attracted the investment of Sequitur Capital, Viaduct Ventures (800k euros) and Gellify (165k), which will keep a minority of the scaleup. Crassus transforms the feedbacks that employees provide into structured information through artificial intelligence algorithms.
Wall Street Football (WSF), an innovative startup with a machine learning technology, developed a proprietary algorithm for data analysis and results forecastings, raised 265k euros through an equity crowdfunding campaign on Doorway, and 100k from Wylab, an incubator of Antonio Gozzi’s Family and 0.275 million from Moffu Labs 2 and other investors (see here a previous post by BeBeez). WSF will invest such proceeds in its organic development. Giovanni Bertoli (ceo) and Michele Dimarcantonio, founded WSF in 2017. Further key members of the company are Filippo Celleno (Head of Analytics), Marco Campanelli (CTO), Diego Furtado, Amod Pandey, Yev Levin (developers), and Elisa Zanchetta (Sales & Business analyst).
MonShareArt, an omnichannel platform for trading art pieces, launched an equity crowdfunding campaign on BackToWork, a portal in which Intesa Sanpaolo invested (see here a previous post by BeBeez). MonShareArt attracted 51,000 euros ahead of a fundraising target of 98,000 – 0.3 million euros. The least investment ticket amounts to 500 euros. MonShareArt’s pre-money value is of 1.8 million. Massimiliano Candini (head of marketing) and Francesco Rubinacci (ceo and cfo) founded MonShareArt in 2018 and recently signed a partnership with Italy’s fintech Soisy for allowing its users to pay in several instalments. MonShareArt has sales of 0.12 million and will invest the proceeds of this equity crowdfunding campaign in marketing (60%), IT (30%) and business development (10%).