Hig Capital private equity firm is working at the rescue of Interporto Regionale della Puglia spa, the company managing of the inland terminal operations in Bari that was admitted at the temporary bankrupcty procedure (concordato in bianco) by the Bari Court due to a 114 million euros of debt burden, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno wrote some days ago, adding that Hig Capital would be ready to invest 40 million euros to stabilize the companys’ financial structure. The most exposed banks are Montapaschi and Veneto Banca.
Last June the Bari Prosecutor’s office asked for an insolvency decreee both for the company and its parent company Italfinance (the holding of the Degennaro family) but the Bari Court accepted the file by Interporto Regionale della Puglia spa for entering in a creditor protection procedure.
At the beginning of 2018 Interporto had mandated Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Capelli law firm for drawing up a recovery plan which was presented to the Court last July together with a committement by Hig Capital to invest the 40 million euros and a proposal to lending banks for a debt restructuring agreement.
Interporto is one of the most advanced intermodal systems in Southern Italy. The area concerned is about 50 hectares of which 90,000 square meters of covered area, for logistics warehouses and management buildings. For its strategic positioning the Regional Interporto of Puglia can be considered the only logistic infrastructure in the Eastern Mediterranean able to intercept the goods traffic coming and directed towards the Balkan area also in relation to the implementation of the Trans-European Corridor VIII-Varna .