Entrepreneur Vito Gulli sold his 26% stake in Generale Conserve spa to company’s ceo Adolfo Valsecchi (owning the remaining 74% already through Sparfin holding ) and a group of private investors having a long experience in the private equity sector ( see here the press release). As a result Valsecchi became chairman of the company too.
Generale Conserve is a leading Italian canned seafood and tuna maker with the high-quality brand AsDoMar and preserved tomato sauce maker with the brand De Rica. The company today produces in two production plants of its own, counts about 555 employees and reached 155 million euro in revenues in 2016.
The new investors and the new committement from Mr: Valsecchi will finance the launch phase for the company after a financial crisis a couple of years ago had required Mr. Valsecchi’s first investment following the conversion of a bond issued in 2014 (see here the press release) and the sale of preserved meet brand Manzotin to Inalca (gruppo Cremonini) (see here the press release).
In the deal Mr. Valsecci and the new investors were advised by Lmcr – La Torre Morgese Cesàro Rio law firm, while Mr. Gulli was supported by Munari Giudici Maniglio Panfili & Associati law firm.