Quadrivio Capital sgr reached 120 million euros in the first closing of its first direct lending fund aiming at a final target of 250 millions, MF Milano Finanza writes today.
Investors in the new fund are institutinal investors such as pension funds, insurance companies, family office and the private debt fund of funds managed by Italy’s Government sponsored Fondo Italiano d’Investimento sgr (30 million euros, in line with other two investments that FII announced two days ago in private debt funds managed by Muzinich and Ver Capital sgr).
Quadrivio’s new fund is the first Italian direct lending fund active on the medium-long term loan market who received authorization form the Bank of Italy. The fund will issue senior secured credit lines and unitranche lines to Italian SMEs with an enterprise value in a 30-500 million euros range to cover financing needs for investments programs and optimization of the capital structure. The fund will originate its own deals on the primary market but might consider investments on the secondary market too.
The investment team is led by Galeazzo Scarampi and includes Marco Meda, Giovanni Mattioli and Silvia Palma. A Credit Committee will support the team.
Chaired by Alessandro Binelloand led by ceo Walter Ricciotti, Quadrivio sgr is one of the major alternative asset maangers in italy with about 1.3 billion euros of assets under management. Quadrivio is close to announce the final closing in the fundraising of both its third private equity fund (targeting 250 million euros) and its first clean energy&infrastructures fund (100 millions).
On its Investors Day last May, Quadrivio also saidi t will launch fundraising for both a fund of European private equity funds with a 200 million euros target in partnership with Access Capital Partners; and an Investment impact fund focused on financial institutions in emerging markets in partnership with Mainstreet Partners. Quadrivio is also active in the venture capital sector where it works in joint venture with Intesa Sanpaolo.
Quadrivio operates with its 5 offices in Milan, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore and London and elmploys more than 60 professionals.