Investindustrial announced the closing of its sixth fund at a harp cap of 2 billion euros. This is the biggest private equity fund focused on South Europe investments. However Investindustrial’s managing principal Andrea Bonomi might have announced a much largest fund as international investors had shown interest for as much as 6 billion euros, MF Milano Finanza writes today.
The newspaper wrote last January 20th that Investindustrial had closed its fundraising just after two months of marketing activity at the end of December exceeding by far the size of its 1.25 billion euros fifth fund which had been raised in 2012 (see here a previous post by BeBeez).
So in the next few weeks Andrea Bonomi and Investindustrial’s other senior principals (Andrea’s brother Carlo Umberto, Dante Razzano, Carl Nauckhoff, Salvatore Catapano, Mateo Paniker, Roberto Maestroni and Joaquin Guell) have been processing all the investors’ demands and deciding where fixing the hard cap for the fundraising. Investindustrial has been advised by Lazard as placement agent and by Paul Hastings as legal advisor.
Investors in the new funds are 47, 54% of which from Europe, 41% from US and 5% from the rest of the world. Investindsutrial VI will keep on investing as previous funds in majority stakes of primary European companies of medium-big size with a major focus on Italy, Spain, Portugal and Switzerland. The fund is actually well known as able to make its portfolio companies to grow internationally thanks to a team of 75 professionals based in 6 offices in the world (in Lugano, Barcellona, London, Luxembourg, New York and Shangai).