Labco Diagnostics sa, a European leading diagnostic group, acquires 100% of shareholders’ capital of Naples-based Studio di Diagnostica Nucleare (Sdn). The sellers are Italian private equity operators MPVenture, IMI fondi chiusi and Centrobanca (gruppo Ubi Banca), controlling a 30% stake since 2006, and the Salvatore family owner of the remaining 70% stake (download here the press release).
Born in France in 2002, Labco became a European leader in medical diagnostic with 250 diagnostic centers in 11 countries (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Belgium, Sweden, Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Mexico), more than 5k employees, 15 million xx per year and revenues of more than 560 million euros. Labco already owns other two Italian diagnostic groups: the Baluardo Institute in Genoa and Cam Centro Analisi Monza.
Last available consolidated financial statement shows that Sdn reached 44.5 million euros of revenues in 2012 (up from 43 millions) and 21.9 millions of ebitda (from 20.4 millions) with a net financial debt of 17.8 millions (down from 20.4 millions). In 2013 revenues were around 48 millions. In 2011 the private equity funds tried to sell their stake without success and the company was then valued around 100 million euros.
Financial advisor for Sdn’s shareholders was Ernst & Young, while the legal advisor was Bettini Formigaro Pericu law firm. Allen&Overy law firm supported instead Labco together with Paris-based asken Martineu law firm.
Matilde Mansi Salvatore, Sdn’s ceo and wife of Sdn’s scientific director Marco Salvatore, will remain in Sdn board of directors.