Private equity operator Argos Soditic financed the management buyout of Business Integration Partners (Bip), supporting 12 key-managers of the Italian advisory company. Among those managers are the three founders: the chairman Nino Lo Bianco and the two ceos Carlo Capè and Fabio Troiani (scarica qui il comunicato).
Bip is a global management consulting firm specializing in business Integration and Innovation. The company is headquartered in Italy and has specific skills in sectors as Energy & Utilities, Telecommunication Media & Entertainment, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Public Administration and Life Sciences.
With 75 million euros in revenues in 2013, Bip employees more than 900 peoples among staff, researchers and consultants in the world and has offices in Rome, Milan, Buenos Aires, San Paolo, Rio de Janeiro, London, Madrid, Kuala Lumpur and Tunisi.
This is one of the first deals in Europe by a private euqity firm in the advisory sector. The deal full equity financed and aims at supporting thecompany internationalization process and the development of new services. Argos will invest as much as 30 million euros on top of the equity it already invested in order to finance potential acquisitions in new services and other advisory companies abroad. Bip’s industrial plan for the next few years targets 100 million euros in rvenues by 2016, 40 pct of which abroad.
Advisor to the deal were hideal partners, Studio Maisto , Equita sim, New Deal advisors, Studio Chiaravalli Reali & Associati and Allen & Overy.
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