Thousands of property investors, made up primarily of buy-to-let landlords, attended the National Landlord Investment Show (NLIS) in London last week, demonstrating that there is still plenty of investor appetite for property despite looming tax and legislative changes.
Th event, the 90th NLIS at Old Billingsgate, featured a wide range of panel discussions covering some of the most pressing topics in the UK private rental sector.
The opening panel on the topic of surviving the Renter’s Rights Bill, held in the main auditorium, was well attended – underscoring the high level of interest and demand for professional insights on one of the biggest reforms in the private rental sectors.
Key discussions throughout the day focused on important, engaging topics such as the Renters’ Rights Bill, Women in Property, and a New Investors Masterclass among 50-plus other expert seminars on referencing, investment tips and tax strategies.
Tracey and Steve Hanbury, founders of NLIS, commented: “We started organising live events and property exhibition shows as young landlords eager to learn about the private rental sector and how to manage our properties effectively. To think that from our humble beginnings in 2013, we’ve now reached the milestone of hosting our 90th show is truly incredible.
“We’re absolutely thrilled with the turnout and success of this 90th event. While every show has been a success, this one feels particularly momentous, especially considering the upcoming changes that will impact the UK private rental sector. It’s a privilege to continue to contribute to the industry by delivering such an informative and educational event.”
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