As BeBeez previously reported, Kering is looking for investors for its asset in Milan’s iconic Via Monte Napoleone 8 that acquired in April 2024 from Blackstone for 1.3 billion euros (see here a previous post by BeBeez). In February 2025, Kering appointed Kryalos as advisor for the asset and receiving support for the operational management of the property and Reale Compagnia Italiana, the vehicle that owns the building where Gucci could open a flagship store and replace Prada.
Invesco Real Estate signed a 135 million euros(0.027 million per sqm) preliminary agreement with the Grimaldi Family for the sale of Garage Traversi in Milan’s Via Bagutta 2, an asset that acquired in 2018 (see here a previous post by BeBeez).
Fondo Infrastrutture per la Crescita – ESG (IPC), a vehicle that Azimut Libera Impresa manages, acquired from Hacer the remaining portion of Turin’s building where La Stampa, an iconic Italian newspaper, has its office (see here a previous post by BeBeez). In 2021, the fund already acquired 40% of the asset (15750 sqms) for 38 million euros. Azimut retained Legance. Esseti Partecipazioni owns 70% of Hacer which hired Studio Alfero – Merletti. The building will host University facilities and students residence.
Risparmio Immobiliare Uno Energia, a vehicle that Castello manages, sold a building in Via Risorgimento 182 in Sesto San Giovanni (Milan area) that was on the block for a total of 11 million euros with two further assets (Via G. Bruno 22 – Ancona and Via Scali d’Azeglio 44 – Livorno) (see here a previous post by BeBeez). The vendor fetched 2.5 million from the sale of the building in Sesto San Giovanni and 2.25 million from Ancona asset’s disposal. The fund could complete the 6.5 million sale of Livorno building in April 2025 and invest all the raised resources in repaying the ongoing loans. Castello also completed the development of 35000 sqms Lavagno (Verona area) logistic pole for which Trasgo already signed a lease (see here a previous post by BeBeez). The LEED Platinum asset belongs to Fondo GO Italia IX, a vehicle that BGO subscribed. Domenico Giusti is Castello head of business development.Castello belongs to Milan-listed Anima Holding (80% with a call option for the remaining stake that could exercise between 2026 and 2028) and Oaktree Capital Management (20%).
Ginobbi received from Banca del Fucino a 1.5 million euros financing facility that includes a subsidized item from CDP for the 8 million worth requalification of Palazzo Ripetta, a Rome’s 5 star hotel that is part of the Relais & Chateaux network (see here a previous post by BeBeez). This requalification will benefit of the FRI-TUR programme of the Italian Ministry of Tourism.
In 2H26, Italian law firm BonelliErede will move its Milan bureau in Via Michele Barozzi 1 to Corso di Porta Nuova 19, a building that belongs to Atlas, an Article 8 SFDR – compliant fund that Allianz Real Estate subscribed and Kryalos manages (see here a previous post by BeBeez). The 15000 sqms building has 15 floors and will soon receive the certifications Core&Shell LEED Platinum, WELL Platinum, BREEAM Excellent, and WiredScore Platinum. Massimiliano Danusso is the chairman of BonelliErede. Eliana Catalano is a firm’s managing partner.