A brand-new property news channel and platform has been launched by the National Landlord Investment Show and is available to watch on the Landlord Investor TV YouTube channel.
UK Property News is a dedicated hub for landlords, investors, and property professionals looking to navigate the ever-changing landscape with confidence.
Ian Collins (journalist and broadcaster) takes on the role as main host alongside co-hosts Tracey and Steve Hanbury, founders of the National Landlord Investment.
The UK Property News channel dives straight into the most monumental conversations in the UK property industry, tackling pressing issues head-on and provides a platform for anyone within the UK property space to ask the experts.
The first episode titled ‘UK Property Market News: Renters’ Rights Bill – Exclusive First Episode & Expert Analysis!’
The first episode features guest industry leaders Maxine Fothergill – (MD of Amax Estates & Property Services) and Peter Littlewood (CEO of iHowz) who shared expert perspectives and opinions while answering questions from UK landlords and property investors with Ian Collins facilitating the conversation.
Hanbury said: “In all my years in this industry, I’ve never seen as many changes happening at once. The UK property market is evolving rapidly, and landlords need the right information at the right time. UK Property News is here to deliver exactly that.”
She added: “We’re incredibly proud to launch the UK Property News channel as an extension of our commitment to educating and empowering property professionals. This platform ensures landlords and investors stay informed, prepared, and ahead of the curve.”
Read the orginal article: https://propertyindustryeye.com/new-uk-property-news-channel-to-help-promote-major-exhibition/