Italian contractor CMB Società Cooperativa Muratori e Braccianti di Carpi received a 30 million euros loan of 6 years from Banco BPM and for which SACE provided a 90% warranty (see here a previous post by BeBeez). The company will invest such proceeds in the achievement of ESG targets. Marcello Modenese is the chief financial officer of CMB.
Italian sweets and cookies producer Gruppo Colussi attracted a 15 million euros ESG KPI linked loan from Crédit Agricole Italia (see here a previous post by BeBeez). The company will pay a lower interest upon the achievement of ESG targets. Colussi belongs to the eponymous family and has sales of 226.3 million, an ebitda of minus 5.6 million, net debts of 107.3 million, and equity of 86.9 million.
The Basket Bond Puglia closed in December 2023 and carried on issuances of 150 million euros that involved 39 SMEs based in Apulia (see here a previous post by BeBeez). Puglia Sviluppo provided the warranty for 25% of each issuance while the spv Garibaldi Tower Basket Bond carried on the securitization and issued asset backed securities that CDP, Unicredit (5%) and Mediocredito Centrale acquired. The 12 companies that joined this part of the programme made issuance worth 38.9 million. Airon, a textile company, issued a 2.2 million minibond for financing its organic development. Zero & Company, a fashion firm, carried on a 3.2 million issuance to invest in logistics and its B2B unit. Levante Logistica raised 2.2 million for developing a new production unit. Distilleria Bartin issued a minibond of 6.4 million for improving its current production process and cycle. Mana, a developer of retail networks for international brands, issued a 2 million bond for its organic growth. Stante Logistics raised 5.3 million for enlarging its sites. Ilog & T made a 6.4 million issuance for financing its organic growth. Apulia Hotel attracted 2 million for building further hotels and refurbishing other assets. T&M Logistica Integrata attracted 3.2 million for builiding a new production plant. Dom. Pla raised 2 million for creating an operative site. Omnitech, a car rental company, issued a minibond of 2 million for acquiring new electric vehicles. Sidea Group raised 2 million for its organic growth and join the programme supported by Gartner.
Zenith Service (part of Arrow Global) tested through a proof of concept (poc) the securitization of a portfolio of commercial credits with the DLT Algorand technology for blockchain and retained Simmons & Simmons as advisor (see here a previous post by BeBeez). Zenith will carry on a revolving sale of notes through the spv 2023 Blockchain Vision that will issue partly-paid ABS with a face value of up to 50 milllion euros. Zenith issued smart contracts for the digital sale of the credits porfolios, the pre and post-enforcement payments and the issuance of tokens that will mirror the spv ABS notes. See here the Insight View di BeBeez about decentralized finance (DeFi) available for the subscribers to BeBeez News Premium and BeBeez Private Data.