Neo Apotek, an Italian network of drugstores that belongs to the familes Riva, Cocchi and Passoni (11%) born in 2019 with the support of Banca Profilo and Apotek Invest, a group of club deal investors, received a 100 million euros financing facility from Tikehau Capital (see here a previous post by BeBeez). Italian private equity Route Capital Partners co-invested with Tikehau. Neo Apotek will invest the proceeds in acquiring further shops in view of owning 200 shops by the end of the year and 500 stores by 2026. NeoApotek belongs to Apotek Invest (58%); Route Capital Partner (a fund that Marco Ferrara, Nicola Carminucci and Giuseppe Altieri created – 31%); the Riva Cocchi Family, and Ismaele Passoni. For 2022, NaoApotek expects to generate revenues of 300 million with an ebitda of 55 million.
Nuova Industria Biscotti Crich, an Italian producer of baked food, received credit lines of 22 million euros from Unicredit and BNL BNP Paribas for which SACE provided a warranty through the programme Garanzia Italia (see here a previous post by BeBeez). Biscotti Crich will invest these proceeds in its organic growth. The company has sales of 231.3 million, an ebitda of 15.4 million and a net financial debt of 39.6 million.
Indiana Production, an Italian multimedia company that is born in December 2005, sold to Banca Sistema a 1.8 million euros portfolio of credits towards the Italian public administration (see here a previous post by BeBeez). Indiana Production belongs to Dorado (a company of Ronn and Jacob Benatoff – 26.51%), Marco Isacco Cohen (26.51%), Fabrizio Donvito (26.51%), Benedetto Habib (11.79%), Karim Bartoletti (4.68%), and Daniel Campos Pavoncelli (4%). Indiana Production has sales of 70.6 million, net revenues of 31.9 million, an ebitda of minus 17.3 million, and a net financial debt of 31.2 million.
Wider, an Italian producer of super-yachts that Marcello Maggi controls, received a 5 million euros direct lending facility from an unnamed institutional investor through Azimut Direct, a fintech platform that belongs to Milan-listed Azimut (see here a previous post by BeBeez). The facility has a 6-year tenure with a 12-months preamortisation. MCC–Fondo di Garanzia for SMEs provided a warranty for the facility. Wider will invest such proceeds in the acquisition of Cantieristica, an Italian competitor. Earlier in March, Wider launched a 6 million capital increase for carrying on the transaction.
Gruppo Camer, an Italian energy company, received a 2.5 million euros green loan from Unicredit for which SACE provided a warranty (see here a previous post by BeBeez). The company will invest such proceeds in its ESG strategy and the construction of two new sustainable gas stations in Lecce area. Camer has sales of 80.6 million, an ebitda of 0.815 million and a net financial debt of 8.2 million
Prime Power, an Italian trader of electric energy and natural gas, issued a one million euros minibond through the programme Master per Emittenti Seriali of Frigiolini & Partners Merchant (F&P) (see here a previous post by BeBeez). The minibond is due to mature on 27 May 2023 with a gross yield of 4.5%. The Garanzia Italia programme of SACE provided a warranty of 80%. The company has a call option for earlier repayment of the bond. Prime Power will invest the raised proceeds in its organic development.
Cherry Bank (fka Banca delle Tre Venezie) launched its Special Situations division to support Italian SMEs in temporary financial distress that have temporarily lost access to traditional credit channels (see here a previous post by BeBeez). Walter Bosco, an associate partner of Arlington Capital Partners since 2020, will head the business unit. Giovanni Bossi (the former ceo of Milan-listed Banca Ifis) is Cherry Bank’s controlling shareholder and head. The firm is already an investor in the distressed credit sector and acts as NPLs portfolio servicer.
Società Appalto Lavori Pubblici (Salp), an Italian oil company, completed its turnaround process with the support of the Italian Ministry for Economic Development (MISE) and the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (see here a previous post by BeBeez). Fondo Salvaguardia Imprese e Occupazione, a vehicle that Invitalia manages on behalf of Mise, subscribed Salp’s capital increase with a 4 million euros ticket and acquired a minority of the business. Friulia, the financial company of Friuli Region, and Salp International poured 4 and 5.3 million in the company. In addition, Invitalia and Friulia committed to subscribe to a Salp’s convertible bond of 5 million to allow the firm to end its receivership. Salp is a builder of energetic infrastructure that has sales of 27.6 million, an ebitda of 5.9 million and a net financial debt of 7.3 million. Fabrizio D’Alessio and Ugo Frata are the company’s ceo and chairman. Gianni & Origoni and Bonamini & Partners assisted Salp as legal and financial advisor.