Swiss Private Equity Montana Capital acquired the private equity interests of BPVI (see here a previous post by BeBeez). BPVI invested in IDEA Corporate Credit Recovery, Fondo Agris, ILP III S.C.A. SICAR , Finint Smart Energia, Re Energy Capital – Compartment, Toscana Venture, Athens RE Fund, Polis, Rilancio e Sviluppo, Serenissima Vitruvio, Leopardi, and Re Energy Capital – Compartment 1. This comes after the stakes of the Nem Imprese, Nem Imprese II and Industrial Opportunity Funds, managed by Nem sgr (orignally owned by distressed BPVI and now renamed Alkemia sgr), were acquired by Montana Capital at the beginning of 2018 together with Nem sgr itself.
Hig WhiteHorse invested in Italian drugstores chain Risparmio Casa (RiCa) (see here a previous post byBeBeez). The fund will be a company’s shareholder together with the Battistelli Family. RiCa has sales of 319.9 million euros and an ebitda of 31.4 million.
Idea Agro, part of Dea Capital Alternative Funds, is holding talks for acquiring 200-250 hectars of lands for the cultivation of nuts (see here a previous post by BeBeez). The fund aims to become a supplier to Italian food company Gruppo Ferrero, the producer of iconic chocolate cream Nutella.
Alpha Private Equity acquired from the Stefani Family’s System Group a controlling stake in Laminam, an Italian producer of tiles of big dimensions (see here a previous post by BeBeez). Alpha outbeaten the bids of InvestIndustrial, Sun Capital, BC Partners, and Ardian. Alberto Selmi, a minority owner of Laminam, will reinvest in the company and will lead it together with the management. Banco Bpmfinanced the transaction worth an enterprise value of 250 million euros, or 9.6 x ebitda. Laminam has sales of 110 million and an ebitda of 26 million.
Capital For Progress 2 (CFP2) is sounding alternative routes for pursuing its business activity (see here a previous post by BeBeez). One of the options on the table could be the business combination with a smaller company. Massimo Capuano, Antonio Perricone, Marco Fumagalli, Alessandra Bianchi, and Bruno Gattai launched CFP2 which raised 65 million euros.