Glennmont Partners starts auction for its solar plants’ portfolio in Italy having a total capacity of 85 MW, Il Sole 24 Ore wrote, adding that advisors for the deal have been appointed Rothschild, L&B Partners and Orrick law firm and that the deal might have a 300 million euros value.
More in detail, the dossier includes Italian Solar PV1 (13 MW), Italian Solar PV2 (24 MW) and Italian Solar PV3 (48 MW, in Rovigo, named Serenissima) and will be reasonably studied by all renewable energies investors who have just run in the auction for taking control of RTR then sold by Terra Firma to F2i (see here a previous psot by BeBeez).
Glennmont Partners (a spin-out of Bnp Paribas Clean Energy Partners) is one of the major infrastructure funds asset managers in Europe focused on renewable energies. In Italy Glennmont had been invested more than 350 million euros in equity, with a major part in the wind sector. Glennmont actually owns plants in italy for 330 MW total capacity. Wind activities in Italy are owned by Glennmont through CEF 2 Wind Energy bv, which in turn owns a 50.1% stake in CEF 3 Wind Energy spa, with the remaining 49.9% owned by Eolica bv, an sov controlled by Dutch asset manager PGGM. Last October 2017 CEF 3 Wind Energy listed a 170 million euros bond at the ExtraMot Pro market to refinance its Italian wind plants portofolio (see here a previous post by BeBeez).