Potential supply chain finance market is growing in Italy, the Supply Chain Observatory of Milan’s Politecnico School of Management says. Experts from the University actually see the market size (or the total amount of outstanding commercial credits at the end of 2016) being of 637 billion euro (up from 559 billions, see here a previous post by BeBeez). This is quite a bigger figure than the ones for Germany (582 bn), France (529 bn), UK (411 bn), Spain (341 bn) and Netherlands (170 bn). Data were presented during a conference in Milan yesterday and the complete research will be published next May (see here the press release).
Of those 637 billion euros, however, just 23% are served by supply chain finance operators or 146 billion euros, with traditional operators having the bigger place on stage: invoice advance 75 bn, factoring 58 bn and reverse factoring 3 bn. Some new solutions are however coming to Italy too such as invoice auction, purchase order finance, dynamic discounting and equipment finance, which are seen growing at a fastest pace in 2017 thanks to fintech startups. As for the latter, the Politecnico Observatory in join venture with Assifact (Associazione Italiana per il Factoring) analyzed more than 100 fintech supply chain startups of which 15 were Italian companies.