There are 2,909 Italian companies with revenues between 5 and 500 million euros that posted an ebitda equal or over 5 million euros representing at least a 10% ebtida margin.
These companies have been selectioned by Leanus for BeBeez, thinking of potential targets for private equity funds. They are actually companies with a low risk score (71,2% of the total group) while on average Italian companies showed a low risk just in 45-55% of the cases in FY 2014-2016.
On the other hand in a 4.06% of cases, it was not possibile to calculate a Leanus Score as financial statements data were not complete, while in other 14% of cases the Leanus Score showed a high risk grade.
Selected companies are mostly based in the Lombardy Region (36.9%), followed by Veneto (12%) and Emilia Romagna (10.5%). Overall a 74.6% of the companies are based in Northern Italy. As for economic sectors, there is no specific concentration. Just two sectors are represented with a 2% concentration: real estate renting or leasing and energy production.
A complete list of the selected companies and their analysis are available
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BeBeez 2017. Ebitda > 5.000.000 ed Ebitda > 10