Cassa depositi e prestiti, the Italian National Promotional Institution, and NUO Capital, the Milan headquartered investment company of Hong Kong investment firm, World Wide Investment Co, founded by Sir Yue-Kong Pao, announced yesterday that they will buy respectively a 15% and 10% stake in Elite spa. (see here the press release)
The latter is London Stock Exchange Group’s innovative SME support and capital raising platform that was launched by Borsa Italiana in 2012 and rolled out by LSEG in the UK in 2014 and across the rest of Europe and internationally in 2015.
The deal aims at consolidating Elite’s role as an international platform and strengthen its expansion across Europe and Asia.
More than 600 companies comprise Elite’s growing community. Elite companies represent 25 countries across 36 sectors, generating 50 billion euros in combined revenues and account for over 215,000 jobs across Europe and beyond.
One year ago Elite Club Deal was launched, an online platform aiming at matching opportunites for private equity and private debt deals relating to Elite’s community (see here a previous post by BeBeez). BeBeez is told that a pilot phase is now coming to an end and that in a few weeks the platform will be ready to work.