French group Autodis (Autodistribution) will buy a majority stake in Ovam, Top Car and Ricauto, among the leading distributors of auoparts in Italy, giving birth to a new structure with more than 120 million euros in revenues (see here the press release).
Advisor for the deal were Gattai, Minoli, Agostinelli & Partners, Studio Tribleg, Pirola, Pennuto Zei & Associati, New Deal Advisors, Fineurop Soditic and Brera Financial Advisory.
Autodis Group is a major European player in spare parts distribution and independent repairs for car and HGV brands, helping their subsidiaries to become market leaders. With over 5,300 employees in France, 800 in Poland and 330 in Benelux, the group specialises in four market segments in Europe: buying/selling of spare parts, storage,
distribution and participation in services and business support. In France, Autodis Group has a leading network of distributors under the Autodistribution brand, including 54 car and HGV subsidiaries, supported by 53 independent distributors. The Group also runs, via Doyen Auto, the API distribution company (168 distributors in
France and Benelux). It also drives the leading French network of independent garages and car bodies (2,000
companies) under the AD brand, as well as nearly 1,100 under the Autoprimo brand.
Founded in 1963, Ovam Group is one of the leading Italian stockist distributor operating in the North and Centre of the country. It directly operates via three platforms located in Pero (Milan), Brescia and Turin. In 2016, Ovam achieved a turnover of more than 82 million euro employing 150 professionals.
Founded in 1973 and 1989 respectively, Ricauto and Top Car are two leading Italian stockist distributors operating in the North-Eastern region of the country. Based in Padua, they together represent the major player within Giadi, the
Autodistribution’s partner purchasing group in Italy through the affiliated subsidiary AD Italy, member of AD International. Giadi bought AD Italia in 2013, In 2016, Ricauto and Top Car generated a combined turnover of more than 40 million euros
and employ 47 professionals.
The newly formed Italian structure would then generate pro-forma revenues in excess of 122 million euros and would immediately become a member of the AD Italy network. Furthermore the new entity would clearly aim at becoming one of the national leaders in Italy, also by attracting new independent distributors.