A minority stake of the Trussardi fashion brand is on sale. Italian private equity firm Palladio Finanziaria is actually said to be in talks with the Trussardi family, Corriere della Sera wrote a few days ago. Previously Citibank was said to be the mandated advisor for the deal, but the bank said the news was not true.
Trussardi’s capital is now owned, through Finos (Finanziaria Operazioni Societarie), by Maria Luisa Gavazzeni and her children Beatrice, Gaia and Tomaso Trussadi each with a 25% stake.
The fashion maison reached 143.1 million euros of consolidated revenues in 2014 (-7.1% from 2013) and a net loss of 6.9 millions, with a net financial debt of 13.2 millions (from 7.2 millions).