F2i sgr reached 1.242 billion euros in the final closing of its second infrastructure fund, over the 1.2 billion euros target, the Italian infrastructure asset management company announced yesterday (see here the press release).
Capital raised for the second fund had come both from investors of the first fund and from new investors, many of them from abroad (rest of Europe and Asia) counting for 500 million euros of the capital raised. Investors are banks, foundations, pension funds, fund of funds, sovereign funds and insurance companies.
“We perceived that international investors trust again Italy”, F2i sgr’s ceo Renato Ravanelli said. And F2i’s managing director, Carlo Michelini, added that “international investors are available at directly joining F2i in its future acquisitions”.
At the end of last March, the first fund (that back in 2009 had raised 1.852 billion euros, see here the press release) had called 1.5 billion euros from its subscribers, net of capital distributions, and had an investment portfolio valued 1.595 billions.
As for the second fund, launched in October 2012, at the end of March it had not distributed anything to its investors, had called capital for a total of 320.6 million euros and owned assets in its portfolio which were valued 315.6 million euros.