Italy’s leading pharma specialized publishing company, Edra Lswr, might issue bonds or list its shares on the Italian Stock Exchange in order to fund a new m&a campaign, chairman Giorgio Albonetti told MF Dow Jones newswire yesterday (see here MFDow Jones’s headline).
The company publishes magazines and books in the pharma and medical sector and is rapidly growing, after having bought some assets of Poland’s Elsevier in 2013 and La Tribuna, a publisher focusing on legal issues, from italy’s RCS media Group last March 2014.
“In three years we have doubled our turnover and the company aims at reaching revenues of 28-29 million euros this year”, Albonetti said. The company’s chairman also said that “the company has invested 7.4 million euros in the last two years and that other “acquisitions are on the way. For that reason we are looking to raise new funds”. New cash might come either from private debt or from an ipo. “I like minibonds but I’d rather consider an ipo too”, Albonetti concluded.