Italian Government promoted Fondo Italiano d’Investimento sgr (FII) announced yesterday its first investments in the private debt sector. More in detail the Fund’s board said it committed to invest about 250 million euros in 10 private debt funds targeting Italy’s SMEs private debt instruments. However that figure will depend on the effective capcity of those funds to raise capital from private investors too (download here the press release).
Fondo Italiano has then committed already all the money that Cassa Depositi e Prestiti in turn committed to FII’s new private debt fund of funds targeting a total of 500 million euros of capital to be raised among institutional investors with an hard cap at 600 millions (see here a previous post by BeBeez).
The funds that obtained FII’s commitment are the following: Antares AZ1, managed by Futurimpresa sgr; Anthilia BIT, managed byAnthilia sgr; Dimensione Tre, managed by Soprarno sgr; Equita Private Debt Fund, managed by Lemanik Asset Managment and Equita sim; Fondo di Debito per lo Sviluppo Industriale, managed by Private Equity Partners sgr; Impresa Italia, managed by Riello Investimenti Partners sgr; Italian Hybrid Capital Fund RiverRock, managed by RiverRock European Capital Partners; Italian Private Debt Fund, managed byMuzinich & Co.; Ver Capital Credit Partner Italia V, managed by Ver Capital sgr e Wise Private Debt, managed by Wise sgr.