Consilium Private Equity Fund III managed by Italy’s private equity operator Consilium sgr acquired a majority stake in the shareholders capital of Manifattura Riese spa, the owner of Navigare men sportswear brand. Founder family Brunetti will retain a minority stake in the company with headquarter in Northern Italy in Rio Saliceto (Reggio Emilia), through Navy Group spa (download here the press release).
Manifattura Riese reached 35 million euros in revenues in 2014 and has a significan presence in China di 35 milioni di euro. La società vanta inoltre una significativa presenza in Cina thanks to two agreementsfor specific underwear lines with local retailers owning respectively 160 and 3,000 shops all over the country.
Gattai Minoli Agostinelli&Partners law firm advised Consilium sgr on leagl issues, KPMG advised the Pe fimr as for the legal due diligence while CBA law firm adivsed on the fiscal issues. The seller was supported by Studio Cortellazzo & Soatto.