Italian business credit data provider Cerved Information Solutions spa will start trading today at the Italian Stock Exchange. Initial public offering price was set at 5.1 euro per share meaning the company has a market capitalization of 995 million euros (see here a previous post of BeBeez).
On the whole demand was for 188.262.057 shares from 3.847 counterparts (download here the press release), that is to say that demand was double the 96 million shares offered, overallotment option included.
From private investors came demands for 4.326.000 shares from 3.764 subjects (150k shares from 180 employees among them). As for the institutional offer, demands were for 183.936.057 shares from 83 counterparts (just 9 Italian investors for 3.775.941 shares among them).
So the global offer was completely covered and 96 million shares were assigned, with 12 millions relating to the overallotment option that was exercised.
Joint global coordinator e joint bookrunner dell’offerta globale sono Banca Imi, JP Morgan, Mediobanca e UniCredit. Joint bookrunner della sola offerta istituzionale sono Bnp Paribas, Deutsche Bank e Hsbc. Unicredit è anche responsabile del collocamento, mentre Banca Imi svolge anche il ruolo di sponsor e joint lead manager nell’ambito dell’offerta pubblica.
I consulenti legali sono lo Studio Gattai Minoli & Partners e Latham & Watkins per Cerved, Chiomenti e White & Case per i global coordinators, PwC è la società di revisione e gli aspetti fiscali sono stati curati da Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati e Facchini Rossi & Soci. Lazard ha agito quale advisor finanziario dell’emittente.
Milano, 20
EdiBeez srl