Digital Magics and a group of Italian investors subscribed a capital increase of the amount of one million euros in Premium Store, an Italian startup company which has been chosen as exclusive manager for development and commercial activity of Edicola Italiana. The latter is a new internet platform made by the leading Italian publishers Caltagirone Editore, Gruppo 24 Ore, Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso, La Stampa, Mondadori and Rcs MediaGroup) in order to sell their newspapers and magazines online (download here the press release).
More in detail, venture incubator Digital Magics invested 200k euros for a 63,5 pct stake in Premium Store shareholders’ capital. Other investors are some members of the Digital Magics Angel Network (DBInformation, Johan Bode, Ivan Boni, Sabino Maria Frassà, Antonino Pisana, Andrea Rangone and Lodovico Rosnati) and two members (Matteo Paganin and Marco Pastore) of the business angel network Custodi di Successo-Milano. Among new investors in Premium Store there is also Applix, an Italian company led by Claudio Somazzi and Marco Cirilli, a leader in the digital publishing sector with Viewerplus.